

Soichiro KOKUI



Vice Presidents

Yutaka HATA ・Research Promotion and Collaboration
・Library and Academic Information System
Reiko SAKASHITA ・Student Support
Hayato UCHIDA ・Educational Reform
・Teaching IR
・Social Contribution 
・Attached Schools
Shinichi KUSANAGI ・International Relations
・Public Relations

Special Advisors to the President

Hisao KOBAYASHI ・Advanced Research
Osamu KAWANAMI ・Interdisciplinary Research

・Reorganization of Schools

Carmen Sapunaru Tamas ・International Relations


Undergraduate Schools

Akihiko TOMONO School of Economics and Management
Tetsuya FUJIE School of Social Information Science
Hironori FUJISAWA School of Engineering
Tohru YOSHIHISA School of Science
Miki YOSHIMURA School of Human Science and Environment
Kikuko MORI College of Nursing Art and Science

Graduate Schools

Masahiko HAYASHI Graduate School of Social Sciences
Hironori FUJISAWA Graduate School of Engineering
Tohru YOSHIHISA Graduate School of Science
Miki YOSHIMURA Graduate School of Human Science and Environment
Miho TAKAMI Graduate School of Nursing Art and Science
Yoshihisa FUJIWARA Graduate School of Information Science
Michiro FUJIHARA Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management
Atsushi NAKAI Graduate School of Regional Resource Management
Yasuyuki NAGANO Graduate School of Disaster Resilience and Governance

Research Institutes

Takashi TANAKA Institute for Policy Analysis and Social Innovation
Tetsuo HARADA Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry
Hiroki AKAZAWA Institute of Natural and Environmental Sciences
Chisato HAYASHI Research Institute of Nursing Care for People and Community
Syoji  KOBASHI Advanced Medical Engineering Research Institute